Sunday, February 7, 2010

Inspire Me

Have you ever asked yourself what happens between a question and a response, a thought and an action, a possibility and a reality? Have you even once allowed yourself the belief that in between these activities of life that perhaps the answers to all your questions, needs, and desires is right before you? How hard would it be to slow down your response time and give yourself the opportunity to feel into the flow of life by taking a deep breath and connecting to the infinite source of all wisdom that carries within itself the code to unlock all that you are seeking to achieve. All you need to do is to look and hear what's going on Between the Spaces of any dialogue you are having and allow the source of infinite intelligence to speak to you. When you are ready to do that you will hear everything you need to hear to support you on your success journey.

LIFE rushes by us at incredible speed. We are always so busy, have so much going on, we get so lost in the haze of things to do that we don't even know where to begin. That's because we think that we need to be busy to have what we want. Of course we must work at what it is we want to be good at and we must take action to manifest what we are seeking but it becomes a rat race if we don't allow for the silence which is Between the Spaces the room to speak to us. It is never a burden to stop and connect with the space between events because that is where we will get the inspiration to ignite the abundant imagination that is working to create the life we desire. Everything we could possibly need to accomplish any goal is right within our grasp. All we need to do is to sit with the preciousness of the moment and let the wisdom Between the Spaces speak to us and support us as we go on our way to having all we set an intention to have. Once our awareness is turned on then we can always see the end result from any place we choose to view it from.
"The possibilities for success that are within you are's up to YOU to embrace them."

I see clearly that all things are magnificent and excellent
I know that I AM abundant and prosperous
I hear the wisdom in the silence
It speaks encouragement to ME
I accept all I can be
My life is a creation of infinite possibility.

Today's Intention Is: Knowing what you want will open up the doors of possibility so that you can surround yourself with the opportunities to make your dreams happen.

It's Your Day...MAKE IT A GREAT ONE!

Paul Hoffman
The Success Creation Institute
Success Songs LLC

I wanted to share Paul's message with you today, check out his website, I met Paul a few months ago at a 101 University writing conference, he is a talent, he inspires me!

As Paul would say,

Peace, Love and Discovery,


I lost my father Dan Burns 22 years ago, it was on a Sunday Morning just as it is today, my life completly changed at that moment, I have grown from the experience, I grew emotional and business muscle, I still miss him daily, I appreciate all the things he taught me, fly high, fly free, fly effortlessly Dad, I love You!!!

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