Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tipsy Tuesday

"Be around people who can keep your energy and inspiration high. While you can make progress alone, it's so much easier when you have support."

Dr. Joe Vitale: Marketing and Copy writing author, one of the stars of The Secret

Who we chose to spend our time around definitely influences our energy level and creative juices. We have all been around people that simply wear us out with their negativity. Learn from them not judge them. Be that positive spark that uplifts others instead of draining them.

When you strife to be a bright, positive light on the world it is amazing how the negativity of others simply floats away. You will attract into your life the people you are most like, the others will simply fade away. If you find yourself always surrounded by negative people it's time to look within for the solution. Fix you first, then if you need to take action by leaving someone or shifting yourself out of a job that is surrounded by negative influences you will have the power within to do so.

Don't send out low slow energy, send the high vibrations of positive energy such as happiness, joy, love, and bliss that is what we can all do in these changing times!

With Appreciation,


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