Sunday, May 17, 2009

Rave Reviews and Recipes

My review today is on a little book I keep close by. I pick it up randomly open and read and recieve a positive boost. The title of the book is:

Power Thoughts
365 Daily Affirmations
By Louise L. Hay

Louise Hay has helped more people love and appreciate themselves than anyone I know. Her loving powerful words create a feeling of hope, desire, and keeps you filled with a "I know I can do it." attitude.

Thoughts do create our future, it is not just a random course of events happening here. When we understand and embrace that truth we start to become very careful with what we choose to think. Here are a few daily affirmations taken from this outstanding little book.

There is enough time and space for everything I want to do.

I see only harmony around me at all times. I am always safe and secure.

I break new ground and begin exciting new ventures.

I am at peace with the elements of nature. There is no "good" or "bad" weather. I can choose my individual reaction to it.

I just randomly opened the book and jotted down the pages I opened to. Funny, I decided a long time ago my happiness was not going to be determined by the weather and since then every day is a remarkable day.

Freedom and change are in the air. I discard old ideas.

Be Happy, Healthy, Wealthy and Wise


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