Sunday, October 5, 2008

Inspire Me

Native American Wisdom

Many men and women have laid down ageless wisdom for us to live by.

The following quotes of Chief Seattle remind us that the same breath that goes through my lungs

goes through yours, prejudice should have no place on this planet.

We are all bound together by the same life force that allows both our hearts to beat.

As we reflect on our existence this is something we should consider, and teach our young so as to

stop the pre-judging that occurs because of ignorance.

We can learn much from Native American Wisdom and Chief Seattle's spirit continues to float

free upon this web of life.

Many great men and women to learn by Chief Seattle is one of those great spirits.

All things share the same breath - the beast, the tree, the man... the air shares its spirit with all the life it supports. Chief Seattle

Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect. Chief Seattle

SeattleSuqwamish and Duwamish (1786-1866)

Seattle, also known as Sealth, was very young when George Vancouver came to Puget Sound to

map the region. Before that time, the Duwamish and Suquamish (his mother and father's

respective tribes) had had very little contact with the whites.Seattle's brief experience with

Vancouver impressed him greatly, which was perhaps why, in later life, he tried to advocate a

peaceful coexistence with the settlers.When he was a young man Seattle inherited his father's

position as chief, after first having proved his leadership in warfare against other tribes in the

area.Seattle was so impressed by the French Catholic missionaries that in the 1830's he

converted to Christianity, taking the baptismal name "Noah".By the 1850's the settlement had

begun to grow and prosper and the name was changed from Alki Point to Seattle.More and more

settlers began to move into the area, and in 1855 the governor of Washington Territory called

together the tribes to propose a new treaty.This treaty would send the tribes to a reservation

and their lands would be controlled by the government.Although Seattle continued to council for

peace, the conflict lasted many years. Finally Seattle moved onto a small patch of land on the

western side of Puget Sound where he spent the remainder of his life.

Thank you Chief Seattle, Inspiring,


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