Thursday, August 26, 2010

Dream Big

WOW!!!! Be Careful what you Wish for.

Many of you know of my busy lifestyle. This month it went to another level of busy. My last post was on Aug. 3rd. That was when my life was busy, after August 3rd my life became extremely busy.

Concourse de Elegance car show in Pebble Beach was what began the over drive. We broke records in busiest days ever in our 134 years of doing business. We serviced clients that months ago I could only dream of.

The day before car show started my phone decided I had used it too much and it quit on a Saturday, I was without a phone until Wednesday all on the busiest week in our 134 years of operation. Car show completes, in my 51 years of existence I have never been so completely exhausted.
I go to my computer to follow up on some very important emails and I see a receipt from amazon in my inbox. Braydan and I had talked about getting me an IPad to use as a display tool for my designs in boots and clothing as well as referencing our online product with the customers, so when I saw a receipt for an IPad with accessories I thought it was legitimate. Then it happened, I opened it up to see the delivery details and zap my computer was fried. Less than a month before Scott had fried his computer with a virus so here we set, no personal computer between us. He had taken his in twice with no success and I felt like someone had pulled the plug on all our contacts to our past and future.

Keeping Sane During Trials

No phone contacts, no email contacts, no contacts period. I could not even remember my Mothers cell phone number because I would just push Mom. Luckily her land line I could remember because it has been the same since I lived there. I thought about all the pictures I had lost, my writings, my book I was writing, all gone. My resume in case I needed another job:-)! My mind raced with disappointment and anger. Some SOB just zapped my past and all my hours of work! And I had not backed it up, bought insurance, collected the data, the only thing I had left that had been on my computer and phone was my IPod. 9765 titles that have taken me years to compile I held in my hand with fear of OMG what if I lose this.

Strong anger towards the perpetrator came, then equally as dissapointing anger came towards myself for not having a back up. It wasn't like this hasn't happened to me before. First time shame on them, second time shame on me. Shame, the lowest of all emotions was not going to solve any of my trials.

I took the computer to Salina last week as Scott and I traveled to help put on the Xtreme Barrel Race year-end finals. I turned it over to Braydan and hoped. As I sit here typing this I am hopeful it will publish. Braydans IT,assistant, Spencer is trying to recover material off my hard drive but it does not look good.

Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.
I could not change it I had one option, I had to accept it.

So all of you that read this, if I haven't called or emailed you it is because I can't remember your email and phone number. That goes for 99% of you. So if you want me to have your contact information email or phone me.

As I sit here typing this I am thinking I now have to learn how to back up all my past information systems to make my future easier. Weird...... without stored information we become stifled in forward progression.

And this too shall pass.



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