Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Dream Big

Here is another great "Dream Big" message from my friend Paul Hoffman

How certain are you about the direction you are taking when it comes to following your passion? Where do you get stuck in your commitment to following through on what you need to do to make things happen? Do you keep your word to yourself and others or do you sometimes give in to the temptation to become lazy and lose focus because of some limiting belief or self-projection that paralyzes you from taking the action you know you need to take to accomplish the goals you have set out for yourself? It takes determination and willingness to follow through no matter what, so you can Decide On Your Course Of Action as to how you are going to proceed on your journey. There is a knowingness and a focus of energy you must embrace that brings on the certainty needed to have it all. YOU do know you can have it all? Don't YOU?

I CAN HAVE IT ALL... How does that feel when you say that? Do you become fearful because it brings up thoughts of lack and limitation? Or do you step into that power of your self-expression with a tremendous amount of confidence and acceptance to the truth of who you are? There is no thing that can get in the way of your supreme success except the limiting and small thoughts that you tell yourself. And guess what you are the only one that creates those thoughts. Dream big and you will think big. Feel your power and you will express your power. Know your plan and you will meet your goals it's that simple. Once you Decide On Your Course Of Action in any endeavor you automatically set in motion the resources that are lined up like ducks in a row waiting to give you everything you need to accomplish everything you can imagine. You are one imagination manifestation machine so set your sights, lock in your focus and Decide On Your Course Of Action with a fierce determination so that nothing can stop you and begin to see the universe opening to everything you ask of it.

Happy Holiday Trails,


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